He Didn’t Follow Through On His Flirty Coworker’s Date Invitation, And Things At His Office Have Been Awkward Ever Since

Svitlana - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Svitlana - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old man works full-time, and just a few months ago, his company hired a new female designer – who he quickly became friendly with.

“I thought she was a cool person, and I’m also interested in her field, so sometimes, I’d initiate conversation, crack jokes, and just be overall friendly,” he recalled.

However, his new coworker interpreted his friendliness as flirting, and before long, she started “pestering” him to go on a date. She even asked him out once right in their office in the middle of a workday.

While he wasn’t interested, though, he just “didn’t have the heart” to reject her on the spot.

“So I’d always find ways to subtly get out of the situation because I’m not attracted to her and wouldn’t go out with anybody I work with,” he explained.

“She started going as far as hugging me as soon as I came into the office every day.”

Then, one Friday night, the whole situation came to a head. That evening, his coworker sent him a text – asking for something work-related – but he was already out with people at a bar. That’s why he responded to the text, explained how he was out drinking, and told his coworker that he’d send over what she needed on Monday.

At that point, his coworker began questioning why he never asked her out to get drinks with him. She also asked if they could do something after their company’s happy hour the following week.

Well, he mistakenly thought she meant a group hang-out and replied, “Sure!” After that conversation, they also never spoke about it again – meaning they never actually decided on a time or place.

Svitlana – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“So I completely forgot about it,” he revealed.

“I always send my friends a confirmation text to make sure we’re still on in these situations. At the happy hour, she didn’t say anything. We also didn’t speak much, and I left early.”

Come the following Monday morning, things were super awkward at his office, too. He realized that his coworker’s behavior had clearly shifted, and the people who worked with her were also acting really cold toward him.

“I got the message and backed off. I understood she poisoned my image to the rest of her department,” he said.

But, while he hoped it would all eventually blow over, months have since passed, and the environment at work is still awkward.

So now, he’s unsure if not following through on his coworker’s date invitation was really a jerky move or not.

Do you think it’s a good idea not to date coworkers? Was subtly avoiding his coworker’s advances the best way to handle this situation, or should he have been more straightforward?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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