He Found Out His Girlfriend Has Over $150,000 Worth Of Debt, So He’s Considering Dumping Her Even Though Their Relationship Is Otherwise Perfect

What are you dating dealbreakers? For some, these red flags might include things like bad hygiene, poor communication skills, or a pessimistic attitude. For others, simple traits like not being a fan of pets or being a hardcore gamer are viewed as turn-offs.
Well, what if you really hit it off with someone new but then learned they were in over $150,000 of debt?
One man is currently in this very situation, and he actually wants to break up with his otherwise perfect girlfriend over it.
For context, his relationship with his girlfriend is still “very new.” They have been talking for about six months now, but they only began officially dating about two weeks ago.
“We click so well, we’re nearly a perfect match, it seems like,” he said.
However, they just went camping this past weekend, and the topic of finances came up. It was then that he found out his girlfriend was in a significant amount of debt. At least $150,000 worth, in fact.
“But probably a lot more if you include student debt and especially if you consider [her] mortgage. She also has two judgements and is being sued by a few debt collectors currently,” he revealed.
Now, he views this as a significant wrinkle in their relationship – especially because he is currently debt-free and doesn’t have to pay for a mortgage or rent. Not to mention, he was hoping to start a family within a few years, and carrying so much debt would definitely make that difficult.
So, he tried to be honest with his girlfriend and told her that he’d want her debt to be taken care of before he’d even consider marrying her or starting a family with her.

Yakobchuk Olena – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
“But I honestly can’t see that being resolved anytime soon,” he vented.
That’s why he’s actually considering breaking up with his girlfriend due to her debt. Still, he’s not sure if calling it quits over finances while everything else about their relationship is perfect would make him a real jerk.
Do you think that significant debt is a relationship dealbreaker? Would he be a jerk for ending things with his girlfriend or not? What would you do?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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