Her Husband Doesn’t Understand That They Can’t Afford To Have A Baby In Chicago Unless He Gets A Better Job

wati1201 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
wati1201 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

More than anything else in the world, this 28-year-old woman wants to fulfill her dream of being a mom.

She’s the breadwinner in her house, making $55,000 a year, while her 38-year-old husband earns $30,000 annually.

Her husband works with his best friend, which she believes is the main reason why her husband has no interest in getting a higher-paying position somewhere else.

“I know money isn’t everything, and I certainly don’t bring in a lot of money, but I am ready to be a mom, and the only thing holding me back is my husband’s refusal to look for a better job,” she explained.

“He is smart and competent, but for some reason, he thinks we can raise a child in Chicago on 85k/yr.”

“We don’t even make enough to have a robust savings account. I feel like our relationship is at a standstill because of this, and my heart really aches because this is the only thing standing in our way.”

She has attempted to sit down with her husband and go over how expensive it truly is to have a baby in their city, but he won’t listen.

Her husband blissfully believes they can easily afford a child while making what they make since his own family was able to raise seven kids back in the 90s on nothing.

The fact of the matter is that her husband is from a very rural part of Southwest America, so it was possible for his parents to support a large family back then.

wati1201 – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

But he can’t seem to grasp that Chicago is far more expensive overall right now than where he grew up without adding a child to the mix.

Moving to somewhere more affordable is not an option for her, as her entire family lives in Chicago, and her career isn’t one she can keep if she works outside of the state.

Additionally, she doesn’t drive, and Chicago has public transit, so it’s easy for her to get around, meaning she cannot live outside of a major city.

She’s left wondering how she can get her husband to understand reality. What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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