Her Mom Is Talking To Girls On A Dating App And Pretending To Be Her Brother

insta_photos - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
insta_photos - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman’s brother is single and has turned to a dating app to find love. However, she says he’s super lazy, so he’s not swiping or initiating conversations with girls.

In general, her brother has yet to learn the art of conversation. Her mom has stepped in to help her brother, and her mom is talking to girls on the dating app while essentially pretending to be her brother.

Her brother asked her mom to help him with his love life, and this is their solution.

“My brother told her his types, interests, etc., and my mom swipes and talks to women based on that,” she explained.

“I don’t think it’s normal to be honest. I told my mom so many times that it’s really weird and she should stop.”

“But my mom said she’s only initiating the conversation, and if the women seem interested, my brother will continue from there.”

“She also said that my brother wouldn’t be able to get any woman if she didn’t help because he [is bad] at starting conversations, and so far, the women that she chose are suitable for him.”

Her mom reassured her that these girls don’t know it’s her talking to them instead of her brother, so there’s nothing wrong with what she’s doing.

Her mom reminded her this is not supposed to be a permanent thing, and that when her brother takes over the chats and isn’t sure how to respond, she does help guide him that way too.

insta_photos – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She really feels like her mom is catfishing these girls, and in some instances, after her brother started talking to these girls himself, things got weird and awkward fast because her brother isn’t a decent conversationalist.

She has attempted to speak to her mom a ton of times about how she should stop, but she can’t get through to her.

“I don’t think this is good for my brother either,” she concluded.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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