Her Sister Snuck Shellfish Into Her Food To Test If She Was Really Allergic, So She Had A Severe Reaction And Is Now Filing A Police Report

Mikhaylovskiy - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
Mikhaylovskiy - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

Food allergies are something not to be taken lightly. While it’s easier to see how someone who hardly knows you could make a mistake when serving you food, those closest to you should be extra mindful of your allergies.

One woman recently reported her sister to the police after she admitted to serving her a dish with shellfish in it on purpose because she thought she had been faking her shellfish allergy for years.

She and her sister are in their early 20s and her sister is married. They’ve never had many issues as sisters, and things have been civil for the most part. Until now, that is.

Recently, her sister and brother-in-law invited her to their home for lunch. She does have some food restrictions, as she’s allergic to shellfish. Her family discovered her allergy when she was a little girl, so her sister has known about it for years.

“When I got to their house, she said that the food was already finished, and she claimed that it was just tuna pasta,” she recalled.

“I can eat tuna and other fish, just nothing with a shell. After she finished cleaning up, we had a short conversation about what’s been happening in our lives since it had been a while since we’d seen each other. I got this strange feeling from her but brushed it off as I was extremely tired that day. She grabbed the food out of the fridge and served it for me, giving me a small bowl in case I didn’t ‘like’ it.”

When she took a bite of the pasta, she immediately felt a burning sensation in her throat and began panicking. At that moment, it became clear that her sister had used some kind of shellfish instead of tuna.

She began coughing and grabbing her throat, and her brother-in-law, who she found out was unaware of her allergy, thought she was choking on her food. Her sister panicked, too, and told her she thought she was exaggerating her allergy.

Her sister and her husband had to call an ambulance, and she was taken to the hospital to be treated for her allergic reaction. She didn’t have her Epi-pen on her, as she figured she’d be completely safe eating at her sister’s house. As it turned out, she was wrong.

Mikhaylovskiy – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

“I was thankfully okay, but they had made me stay to be monitored for the next two days,” she said.

“My sister and brother-in-law tried to visit me, but I told her to get out. She kept apologizing and refusing to leave. I told her that I’d be calling the police on her for what she’d done, as it [was] attempted murder, and she lost it.”

“She kept screaming, saying, ‘I know you’re faking this; you always act like you’re allergic to shellfish, so I wanted to test you!’ I’d been pressing the call button for the nurse [and] they heard her and asked me if I wanted them removed. I said yes.”

After telling the hospital staff and security that her sister admitted to purposefully serving her shellfish, they encouraged her to file a police report on the incident, and she did.

Now, her mom is weighing in on what happened and taking her sister’s side. She told her she’d be “overreacting” by reporting her sister to the police.

Was it a bad idea to report her sister, or was it smart?

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