His Girlfriend Caught Him Looking Up Female Fitness Models, So She’s Convinced That He’s A Cheater

This 22-year-old man has been with his 20-year-old girlfriend for just over a year now, but back when they were only three months into their relationship, his girlfriend developed some trust issues.
It all began when she’d noticed that he had some female gym models in his recent search history on Instagram.
“I realize that I was in the wrong, and I shouldn’t have done that. I argued that in my defense, it is my first relationship, and like anything new in life, there is a learning curve,” he recalled.
Nonetheless, his girlfriend had already been cheated on in a past relationship. So, after seeing the Instagram models on his phone, she thought that he’d also cheated on her and still believes that to this day.
He, on the other hand, thinks it’s not right to call what he did cheating. He believes that in order to cheat, he would have actually had to sleep with or at least be physically involved with another woman.
Regardless, for the past nine months of their relationship, his girlfriend has continuously thrown jabs his way – basically insinuating that he is a cheater. She’ll say things such as, “I feel like everyone in this generation is a cheater. Except for me. I would never cheat.”
“And she basically just reminds me that she thinks I cheated on her and that she doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to fully trust me again,” he explained.
He’s also currently in school to become an airline pilot, with two years until graduation. So, his girlfriend is now worried that he will cheat on her once he officially becomes a pilot since he’ll be traveling to all different cities.
“And she doesn’t think her trust in me will be healed by then, if ever. And I don’t think this needs to be said, but I will never cheat on her,” he said.

Krakenimages.com – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
So now, he’s at a loss about what to do. He’s not sure if he’s downplaying the severity of looking up Instagram models on his phone or if his girlfriend really is just overreacting.
“It’s become very frustrating hearing the person I love most constantly telling me she thinks I’m going to cheat on her,” he vented.
Do you think looking at other women on social media counts as cheating or not? Regardless, does it sound like his relationship will ever be able to recover from it? What should he do?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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