His In-Laws Flipped Out On Him For Giving His Late Wife’s Belongings Away

Mariia Korneeva - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
Mariia Korneeva - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

One of the biggest and hardest parts of the grieving process is going through your departed loved one’s belongings and figuring out what’s worth keeping and what you need to let go of.

One man recently made a big move and started letting go of some of his late wife’s things, but her family began freaking out.

He’s 34 and sadly lost his wife a little over three years ago. They had known each other since they were kids and started dating in high school. Her death took a massive toll on his mental health, and he could hardly carry on with his normal routine for the first year afterward.

“We never had kids but had been planning to when she died,” he explained.

“Her family come and visit often. They like coming to our house and remembering the good times with my wife. It sort of helps that everything is the way my wife left it.”

“Recently, I’ve been working with my therapist, and I’ve been opening myself to moving on. I’m starting to let go of the past and think about the future.”

He learned that one of the best ways to move on from his wife’s passing is to start letting go of some of her belongings, which had gone untouched since she died.

Over the last few days, he’s been slowly going through his wife’s things. He decided to put all of her basic clothing in a box for donations and threw away anything that was stained or unwearable.

He took her nicer and favorite clothes like her t-shirts, dresses, and sweaters and organized them in his dining room so her relatives could take anything they wanted.

Mariia Korneeva – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

He did the same thing with her jewelry, keeping any family heirlooms from his and her side and putting everything else in the dining room.

“I then invited her family over with the explanation that I am going through my wife’s things, and if they wanted anything, they could take what they would like,” he recalled.

“Well, they flipped out on me. They said I was trying to erase my wife’s memory and that by removing her things, I have destroyed the place they go to when they want to remember my wife.”

His wife’s family began demanding that he put all her things back where they were, telling him they weren’t ready to get rid of any of it.

Now, he’s starting to feel guilty because his wife’s family made him feel awful, and he wonders if he shouldn’t have started that process without them.

Should he feel guilty, or was his wife’s family overreacting?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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