His Wife And Her Parents Flipped Out And Wrongly Accused Him Of Cheating With His Sister-In-Law

SHOTPRIME STUDIO - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
SHOTPRIME STUDIO - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s bad enough to be wrongly accused of cheating by your partner, but even worse, to be accused of cheating with someone they know or are related to.

One man’s in-laws recently freaked out at him and accused him of cheating on his wife with her sister because her sister’s kid drew a picture of him and her mom together.

He’s 27, and his wife is 25-years-old. They’ve had a generally great marriage and plan to get married someday. He is close with his wife’s family, particularly her sister, who is a single mom to a young daughter.

He loves his sister-in-law’s sense of humor and cares for her daughter, so he always takes time to hang out with them at family gatherings.

Recently, his wife was at a gathering with her family while he was stuck at work. Then, while working, he got a call from his wife, who told him he urgently needed to get to her parents’ house. Thinking there was an emergency, he left work early and rushed over.

“When I reached their home, she was crying, and as soon as she saw me, she and her parents just went ballistic,” he recalled.

“They started yelling at me, [cursing] and calling me names. They accused me of cheating her with her sister, which I thought was baseless.”

When he asked his wife and in-laws where they got the idea that he was cheating with her sister, they pointed to a drawing that his niece drew of him and his sister-in-law kissing. Upon seeing the photo, his wife panicked, believing her niece had drawn something she saw in real life.

He tried reasoning with his wife and in-laws, reminding them that his niece is only around six years old and she could’ve made that drawing for a number of reasons, not just because she saw him and her mom kiss.

SHOTPRIME STUDIO – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Then, he encouraged everyone to ask his niece in person why she drew the picture.

“[She said] she drew it because she wanted my wife’s sister and me to be together,” he recalled.

“When my wife asked if she had seen us [kissing], she said no. I was angry [with] my wife because she wouldn’t trust me [and] a drawing made her feel threatened.”

It’s been over a week since the drawing incident, and while his wife has moved on, he hasn’t. He’s so hurt that she would accuse him of doing something that awful based on a kid’s drawing and has been rejecting her romantic advances.

His wife is now angry with him for being cold toward her, and he’s wondering if he’s in the wrong.

How would you feel if this happened to you?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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