His Wife Canceled Their Honeymoon To Go On A Solo Trip To Europe, And She Wouldn’t Let Him Come With Her

rh2010 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
rh2010 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Can you imagine getting married and your spouse telling you they’d rather take a solo international trip than go on a honeymoon with you?

One man recently gave his wife the cold shoulder after she went on a solo trip to Europe instead of agreeing to a honeymoon after their wedding.

He and his wife are in their early 30s and got married a few months ago.

While he hoped they’d be able to go on a nice honeymoon after their wedding, his wife decided she’d rather go on a solo trip to Europe instead.

“She always wanted to do the solo trip, but she never had the time to do so because of work, [so] she used the honeymoon time for her solo trip,” he explained.

“I wanted to accompany her to her trip, but she said she needed this for her mental health, and I ultimately agreed even though I was sad about it.”

“She thanked me many times for being understanding of this. But I put it on the back of my mind and tried not to think too much about it because I was really excited about our wedding.”

His wife left for her solo trip the day after their wonderful wedding, which left him feeling depressed. Although his wife was very good about keeping in touch, and they FaceTimed every day during her travels, he still couldn’t shake his feelings of disappointment that she was having this big, fabulous journey without him.

His wife was scheduled to return home on his birthday, but because he could use a mood booster and was still harboring some resentment, he decided to go out of town and visit his sibling for a celebration without telling her. So, his wife returned to an empty house after her trip.

rh2010 – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“When my wife texted me asking me where I was, I told her I would come back on the weekend,” he recalled.

“I came home on Sunday feeling extremely happy, but my wife says she wished she could have celebrated my birthday with me because she had planned something special. I told her I definitely would from next year, but this year, I needed to celebrate it with someone else for my mental health.”

Now, he’s beginning to feel guilty for leaving town without telling his wife, even though her trip hurt his feelings.

Should he feel guilty, or was leaving for his birthday not that bad?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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