His Wife Cheated On Him, So He Asked For An Open Marriage And Slept With Another Woman

One year ago, this 38-year-old man’s 36-year-old wife cheated on him with a married man she met through their kids.
The affair went on for several months before his wife ended it, admitted to him what she did, and pleaded with him to forgive her.
He and his wife have been married for 13 years, and their two kids are little. He admits the romance in their life tanked, as everything has been about their kids.
At first, his wife was only friends with her affair partner, but then her affair partner confessed he had feelings for her.
“He tells her how stunning she is, that she is a goddess that deserves to be worshipped, and that her husband doesn’t appreciate what he has,” he explained.
“My wife told me all of this made her feel good, and she let it get physical because, in the moment, she wanted to experience what it was like to be with someone who worshipped her like that.”
In time, it dawned on his wife that she didn’t share the same feelings her affair partner had, and their physical connection wasn’t great. She just got wrapped up in the thrill of things.
His wife wasn’t in love with her affair partner, though this guy was enamored with her. Since he and his wife have little kids, and it pained him too much to think of not getting to see his kids every single day, he stayed married to his wife.
But he felt so awful about his wife’s infidelity that he said he needed to pursue an open marriage in order for him not to file for divorce.

BullRun – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
An open marriage was, to him, the only path he saw forward and he thought it would give him some dignity back.
He told his wife she was free to see other guys if she so chose, but she wasn’t interested. Her old affair partner eventually popped back up and tried to get back together with her, but his wife blocked the guy.
After agreeing to open up their marriage, he didn’t think it would be possible to find a woman interested in him, given his sticky situation.
“But I ended up finding a woman in a similar situation,” he explained. “Her husband cheated and told her to cheat back to even things out.”
“So she did with me. The whole thing didn’t last very long, but my wife knew about it and just swallowed it. She would just cry and hold my hand when she knew I’d just been with her. It honestly made me feel [bad], even though she cheated on me first.”
It did make him feel absolutely terrible to know that he hurt his wife that deeply by sleeping with this other woman.
After sleeping with this woman, he went on to chat with a second woman but chose not to really do anything beyond that.
He stopped himself because he admits he didn’t want to hurt his wife for a second time. A week ago, he asked his wife if they could close their marriage and attend counseling as a way to reconcile.
“She cried again, but this time it was happy tears, and we have our first appointment next week,” he said.
“Am I doing the right thing here? I do love her, and she spent a year watching me talk to women and ultimately sleep with one and didn’t complain about it.”
“I also don’t think I acted appropriately. I was hurt and wanted her to hurt like I did, but that’s not healthy, and I ended up hurting myself in the process.”
What advice do you have for him?
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