His Wife Has Been Getting Free Smoothies From A Flirty Guy She Finds Attractive

Alexandr - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
Alexandr - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever gotten free things from a restaurant, bar, or cafe employee because they were flirting with you? It can be fun and exciting, but if you’re not in a position to flirt back, it can get uncomfortable.

One man is angry with his wife, who has been flirting with a guy who works at their local smoothie place because he keeps giving her free smoothies.

He and his wife are in their late 20s and have been married for two years. Overall, they’ve had a great marriage, and while they sometimes bicker, they’ve been able to work through everything. However, they’re having trouble working through this recent issue.

His wife has started jogging around their neighborhood and has been stopping at a local smoothie shop almost every time she goes out. The second time she stopped in the smoothie shop, his wife came home with two smoothies and told him they were free.

This surprised him, as smoothies typically cost up to $8 in their neighborhood.

“I asked her why she [got] them for free [and if] it was a special day,” he recalled.

“She said, ‘Please don’t get mad, but the worker there was hitting on me and gave me both for free. He gives me all my drinks for free when I go there after my jogs.’ She’s been there about six to seven times at this point. I told her I was uncomfortable with her getting free drinks and being flirted with and that I would like her to go to a new smoothie shop. We have the money. I can pay for her smoothies or make them at home. Plus, there are so many in our area.”

His wife told him to trust her and that she would never do anything to cheat on him; she only kept going to the store because she liked the free smoothies.

He told his wife he didn’t want her to go to the smoothie shop anymore, and she continued to go for a while without telling him. He only knew because he had her phone location.

Alexandr – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

Then, things came to a head the other day when his wife asked him to use her phone to text her mom something while she was in the shower.

“When I opened her phone and texted her mother, a text from her best friend came up on the screen,” he recalled.

“It said, ‘You’re not wrong; it’s okay to have crushes while you’re married; just don’t do anything stupid.”

“Plus, he gives you free smoothies, girl.’ I clicked on the text, and I read their messages. She had told her best friend that she thought the guy at the smoothie shop was attractive.”

His wife also told her friend that she found out on Instagram that the smoothie shop guy was married with kids but that she still enjoyed flirting with him.

Now, he’s unsure what to do, as he fears his wife’s “innocent” flirting with the married smoothie shop guy could progress into something more.

What would you do if you were in his position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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