His Wife Is Still Obviously In Love With Her Ex, So He’s Thinking It Might Be Time To Leave Her

racool_studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
racool_studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Four years ago, this 28-year-old man met his 27-year-old wife, and two years ago, they tied the knot.

They have a decent relationship, according to him. His wife is kind and always says she loves him, and he used to believe her words.

Before he started seeing his wife, she was in an 8-year-long relationship with her high school boyfriend.

His wife’s high school boyfriend dumped her when she was 23, which completely devastated his wife back then. When he entered his wife’s life, he was aware that she did still have feelings for her ex.

However, he thought his wife’s feelings would fade as time wore on. He tried to be sympathetic and thought she was still so distraught since her high school boyfriend was the first guy she ever fell in love with.

Unfortunately, four years into being with his wife, she’s obviously still in love with her ex, and he’s thinking it might be time to leave her over this.

His wife does her very best to hide her feelings for her ex from him but to no avail. There’s no hiding the fact that she can’t get over this guy from her past.

“She cried when he got married to someone else and when they got pregnant,” he explained.  “I catch her looking at his Facebook and Instagram pages.”

“They don’t talk, but if he ever reached out, I’m sure she wouldn’t ignore him. A few months ago, I threatened to leave, and she broke down and begged me not to.”

racool_studio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“She knows this is a problem for her and promises she will eventually forget him, but it’s been 4…years. I just don’t know if I should pull the plug or not.”

What do you think he should do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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