It Makes Her Sad That She Wasted Her Twenties On Bad Friends, And She’s Feeling Lonely

Yuliia Koval - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Yuliia Koval - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Next week, this woman will be celebrating her 30th birthday. Instead of feeling excited, she just feels extremely down in the dumps about it since she feels like she wasted her twenties on bad friends.

She had five girls she considers to be her best friends, but each and every one of them is awful at being a friend to her, and she lost one recently along the way.

“For example, at my wedding, instead of coming to get ready with me early as I asked, the 4 of them went to a boozy brunch and then met me at the hotel at 1 p.m.,” she explained.

“My husband’s best friend (who’s a girl) was the only one to get ready with me and ask me if I needed anything. She also remarked that it was [mean] of my friends to do that, but I let it go to avoid drama (and honestly, I [am not good] at confrontation).”

“And one of them didn’t even come to the wedding even though she committed to be a bridesmaid and I LITERALLY never heard from her again. She legitimately ghosted me. She reached out a YEAR later to say she was sorry and that she should’ve told me she wasn’t going to make it, but at that point, I wasn’t interested in re-kindling the friendship.”

So, that’s how her five best friends dropped down to four. Then, when she had her baby shower and invited her four remaining besties, only one was in attendance that day.

The girl who did come got there three hours late and turned around to leave super early. As for the rest of her best friends, they came up with absurd reasons for why they couldn’t attend.

Everything only got worse as time wore on. She gave birth to her baby, and not a single girl in her friend group asked her how she was doing as a new mom, let alone bother visiting her.

She couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly lonely, though her husband was a complete rockstar and tried to be there for her.

Yuliia Koval – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Speaking of her husband, his friends are incredible, and she’s so envious of that. She’s also going through a bit of a postpartum rollercoaster emotionally, which is causing her to act out and resent her husband for having stellar buddies.

She’s been getting into arguments with her husband when he spends time with his friends, but she’s usually not like that.

Over the past couple of months, she has been trying her hardest to make plans with her own friends, but they’re too busy for her.

While she understands life gets hectic (I mean, she has a newborn to deal with), she suspects her friends simply don’t care about keeping her in their lives.

“I spent the whole of my 20s partying, traveling, and eating takeout on couches with these girls,” she said.

“And now I feel like they could care less about me or my life events. It’s honestly quite sad, and I feel like making new friends at 30 is incredibly intimidating and almost unachievable…As my 30th birthday approaches, my husband suggested I spend a girl’s weekend with them as I’ve spent my 20s with them, and it would be a nice way to end my 20s.”

“I’m at the point where I’m not even going to ask them for a girl’s weekend because I know I will get declined. And it’s just making me really sad.”

It’s hard for her to move into a new decade completely friendless, without a single soul by her side. She can’t even be excited to celebrate her birthday.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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