She Broke Up With Her Boyfriend Since He Didn’t Believe She Had An Apple Allergy And Secretly Added Apple Sauce To Their Pancakes, Causing Her To Have A Reaction

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Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only

This 25-year-old woman has birch-apple syndrome, a condition that causes people who are allergic to birch pollen to also be allergic to apples.

Thankfully, her allergy is not severe. However, whenever she eats an apple, she has some extremely uncomfortable and even painful symptoms.

While she was dating her 28-year-old boyfriend, though, he never actually believed that she had an apple allergy.

“He always bought apples, which I was fine with, but I wasn’t okay with him trying to convince me to eat the apples,” she recalled.

Then, one day, her boyfriend stopped trying to convince her and straight-up deceived her by tricking her into eating her allergen.

It all began when he decided to try to “prove her wrong” about her allergy. So, while cooking pancakes one day, he secretly added apple sauce to the batter.

Well, just five minutes after she ate the pancakes, she knew something was wrong.

“I felt a sudden burning sensation in my mouth,” she said, “It was painful and very uncomfortable.”

So, she immediately asked her boyfriend if he had included any apples in their pancakes. At that point, he revealed that he’d added some apple sauce to the mixture.

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The whole situation forced her to use her EpiPen, and thankfully, she was able to relieve some of the pain.

However, the fact that her boyfriend intentionally triggered an allergic reaction just because he didn’t believe her about her allergy really rubbed her the wrong way.

That’s why she ultimately decided their relationship needed to end, and while she broke up with him, she accused him of acting very inappropriately.

“And if my allergy was severe, his actions might have killed me,” she added.

Nonetheless, her boyfriend actually just accused her of overreacting. So now, she has been left wondering if breaking up with him over the apple incident was really the right decision.

How would you feel if your partner didn’t believe you about a medical condition and caused an allergic reaction? Do you agree that was reckless? Did she do the right thing by ending their relationship?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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