She Doesn’t Want Her Guests To Wear Gold Jewelry To Her Wedding Because She’s Allergic, But She’s Also Afraid Of Acting Like A Bridezilla

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Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only

This young woman is currently engaged, but she’s particularly stressed out about one thing – whether or not guests will wear gold jewelry to her wedding.

She realizes that being worried about this must sound insane, but she has a gold allergy that was actually diagnosed by her doctor. This makes her life pretty tough, too, since everyone in her family wears gold – much like the rest of the world.

“After any family function where we’re hanging out, hugging each other, etc., I inevitably have a skin reaction on my face that lasts about a week or two,” she explained.

“It’s not anaphylactic or anything, but it’s a very uncomfortable reaction.”

Following a reaction, she also cannot wear makeup or put any other products on her face aside from a bunch of different creams to try and soothe the flare-up.

Still, when it comes to family events, she always just deals with the allergic reaction for a few reasons. First of all, she knows that she cannot police what other people wear. Secondly, she just wants to see her family – not start any drama or worry about preventing a reaction.

“And I don’t usually have anything important to do in the following week after an event that requires a fast recovery,” she added.

For her wedding and honeymoon, though, she understandably doesn’t want to deal with an allergic reaction if guests show up in gold jewelry.

That’s why, in the dress code section of her wedding invitations, she wants to ask her wedding guests not to wear any gold jewelry to her big day.

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“But I also know policing people’s jewelry is a bridezilla move, and even if I do include it on the invitation, there’s still the chance that people won’t follow it,” she said.

Plus, while she thinks her friends and extended family would honor her request, she knows that her parents and siblings would make a big “stink” about it.

“And everyone else who doesn’t know the extent of my allergy will probably think I’m being ridiculous,” she vented.

So now, she’s torn and unsure if requesting that her guests don’t wear gold to her wedding would make her a bridezilla or not.

Would you want to deal with an allergic reaction on your wedding and honeymoon? Would asking her guests not to wear gold jewelry be reasonable or not? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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