She Dumped Her Boyfriend After She Caught Him Badmouthing Her At A Dinner Party

Seventyfour - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Seventyfour - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Can you imagine being in a happy relationship with someone and then overhearing them say horrible things about you to someone else?

One woman recently broke up with her boyfriend after she overheard him tell his best friend about how insecure she was.

She and her now ex-boyfriend are in their mid-20s and recently attended a mutual friend’s dinner party.

They had a nice time, as she spent quality time with her girlfriends, and her boyfriend hung out with his guy friends.

As the night was winding down, she walked through her friend’s house in search of her boyfriend and heard him chatting in a guest room with his best friend.

“I could tell they were talking about me, so I stopped and listened out of sheer curiosity,” she said.

“His friend was telling my boyfriend that he’s lucky to have me and that I’m a real catch. He even said I have many admirable qualities and jokingly asked my boyfriend how he managed to ‘bag’ me.”

“My boyfriend said he’s the catch in the relationship, and I’m always trying to please him. He said, ‘With pretty girls, you have to make sure she’s insecure. When they’re confident, it’s not going to work.’ Then he explained that I don’t realize how ‘”objectively attractive'” I am due to my ‘raging insecurities.’ I was left speechless and deeply shocked.”

Her boyfriend’s friend also seemed shocked by his sentiments, but she overheard them laughing about the situation.  

Seventyfour – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Instead of knocking on the door or bursting into the room to curse out her boyfriend, she calmly returned home with him that night.

The next day, she broke up with him via text and told him about what had happened.

Some of her friends accused her of being “crazy” for dumping her boyfriend that quickly, but she feels her actions were justified after what she heard.

“I said that his words shattered my heart, and no amount of context will salvage this,” she added.

Would you have broken up with this guy if he was your boyfriend?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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