She Feels Shallow For Wanting To Leave Her Boyfriend Over His Child Support Payments

Photo-maxx - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual children
Photo-maxx - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

For around a year and a half so far, this 23-year-old girl has been with her 25-year-old boyfriend. Her boyfriend has two children from a prior relationship, and she acknowledges that he became a dad at a very young age.

More than one-third of her boyfriend’s take-home pay goes to paying child support for his two little kids.

“He takes home in one month (less than $1,500 after child support), less than I do in 2 weeks, meaning most of the financial responsibility falls on my shoulders,” she explained.

“To add, his income gets reevaluated every year, so the more he makes, the more he has to pay the following year.”

“It’s pretty disheartening thinking of leaving him over money, and I feel so shallow for feeling this way.”

“But the more I think about my future – buying a house, getting married, starting a family, the more I see how it’s not possible with him.”

As it is, she says they are barely surviving with only having to pay for just themselves. They currently live together and she’s the one left paying for the majority of their expenses as she’s bringing in more money than her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend also has no money saved up, so she’s having a difficult time envisioning how they will be able to afford a child in the future, let alone a mortgage on a house.

The fact of the matter is that her boyfriend will be paying child support for a long time, leaving them with no money to invest in a future.

Photo-maxx – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual children

“I love him, but I don’t love the financial stress that he comes with,” she said. “Lately, when he talks about buying a house or starting a family, I don’t even know what to say.”

“Please help; I don’t know how to navigate these feelings.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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