She Said Her Ex-Husband Is Just Like His Absent Father Because He’s Constantly Bailing On Their Young Daughter

Yuliia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Yuliia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s so disappointing when people who were raised by lousy parents start treating their children poorly instead of stopping the problematic and traumatic cycle.

One woman recently got into a nasty argument with her ex-husband, where she compared him to his lousy father because he hasn’t been there for their daughter.

She and her ex-husband are in their 30s and have a five-year-old daughter. After two years of marriage, they divorced when their daughter was only a year old. It was a sudden and traumatizing experience for her, as her ex suddenly packed up all his things and left while she was running errands. He left a note explaining that he had met someone else and wanted a divorce.

“During our divorce, he tried to fight for full custody despite not having seen her for 6 months, which was denied because he was in the military and, at times, constantly moving,” she said.

“I got full custody; he got holidays with supervision if he’s not deployed. Shortly after our divorce, he married his new wife, and they settled down in the [same] city. He’s still in the military but now he’s on a specific base. I asked if he wanted to revise the custody since he was no longer traveling, and he said [there was] no need and he wanted to take things slow. Since our divorce, he has maybe seen [our daughter] 11 times over four years.”

This has been super unsettling, especially considering her ex lives nearby and could easily make time for their daughter if he wanted to. Over the last four years, there have been several instances of her ex making plans to see their daughter, then canceling at the last minute.

Although her daughter is still very young, she’s had to go to therapy to cope with her dad’s flakiness.

Things recently came to a head when her ex said he’d be able to take their daughter for an entire weekend, then called at 1:00 am the morning he was supposed to get her and canceled.

“After some back and forth, he says it’s because his wife is upset with him spending time with her, and she gets jealous,” she explained.

Yuliia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Yes, jealous of a 5-year-old. I’ve been fairly cooperative this entire time, but I was just so upset [that] I started yelling at him.”

She and her ex argued back and forth for a while, with her pointing out how much damage he’d done to his relationship with his daughter.

Then, she pointed out how ironic his treatment of their daughter was, considering how, throughout their relationship, he complained about having an absent father who was horrible to him and his siblings. She told her ex he was becoming just like his father.

“I haven’t had contact with him since then,” she added.

“I absolutely did not feel bad at the time. I felt like my words were justified, but the longer they sat, the more I felt like I [had gone] too far. I ended up telling my parents what I said to get some feedback, and they said it was cruel and unnecessary.”

Should she feel bad for comparing her ex to his father, or was it the wake-up call he needed?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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