She’s Frustrated That Her Husband Instantly Makes Plans With His Friends Every Time He Has A Day Off, Excluding Her And Their Three Kids

This 37-year-old woman is currently married, and her husband, who is also 37, works between five and six days every single week.
She, on the other hand, is a stay-at-home mom to three boys. So, she primarily cares for their sons – an 8-year-old, a 7-year-old, and a 2-year-old.
“I take care of the kids, house, and small homestead,” she said.
More recently, though, she’s become really bothered by one of her husband’s habits. Apparently, every time he has a day off from work, he immediately makes plans that don’t include her or their kids.
For instance, her husband will go see his dad or go out to breakfast or lunch with his friends – not inviting her or the children along.
On the flip side, she never gets to go out with friends or simply without their children. In fact, she hadn’t been out alone in over four years up until this past Mother’s Day.
“Because I put my foot down, and he still had a stink about me not taking at least the 2-year-old,” she explained.
At first, she was fine with her husband making plans to see his father on his days off, too. She actually thought it was sweet and that the pair needed to bond as father and son.
“But then it became his buddies, too,” she recalled.

Halfpoint – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
She also clarified that she would understand if her husband just wanted to spend some time with the “guys.” However, his friends actually invite their wives and kids along, too! She and her children are the only people excluded.
“Granted, ours are the youngest. His friends have teenage kids,” she admitted.
Nonetheless, the fact that she keeps getting left alone at home with their children while her husband gets to see his friends is really frustrating. So, she’s been left wondering if being mad at him is reasonable or if she’s overreacting.
Would you be bothered if your husband never took the kids off your hands or invited you out? Should she confront her husband about this? What would you do in her shoes?
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