She’s No Longer Taking Her Daughter To Visit Her Grandparents Since They Skipped Out On Her Birthday Party Just To Mow The Lawn

Liudmila - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
Liudmila - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Sometimes, family members can hurt you so deeply that you can hardly bring yourself to see them.

One woman recently refused to bring her daughter to visit her grandparents after they gave her a lame excuse for missing her birthday party.

She has an infant daughter who recently celebrated a birthday. While she doesn’t speak to her mom, she is still close to her mom’s parents, her grandparents. She goes out of her way to visit them and has made sure they have a relationship with their great-granddaughter.

Recently, she invited them to her daughter’s birthday party. Her grandparents never told her they wouldn’t be there and simply didn’t show up on the day of the party, leaving her and her daughter upset.

Later that day, her grandparents texted her that their summer home’s lawn was overgrown, and they had to spend the day mowing it.

[It’s] not like there are six other days in a week you could mow your lawn [during], but that’s just me feeling hurt,” she said.

“Obviously, the reason why they didn’t come is [because of] my [lack of contact] with my mom. But it’s more complicated than that.”

She later found out that her grandpa wanted to go to the party, but her grandma refused to. Because her grandpa is rather reserved and old-fashioned, he didn’t want to show up to the party without his wife and didn’t want to have to explain the family drama.

While she can sympathize with her grandma, as she is in a tough place with her daughter and granddaughter not speaking, she was very upset with how they ignored her daughter’s birthday to the point where she didn’t want to see them after that.

Liudmila – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

“A few days ago, they saw my car near their house and called me, asking me to come and bring my daughter,” she recalled.

“I said I wasn’t sure I had the time for that, as I was visiting other relatives. Honestly, I almost didn’t even pick up the phone. Of course, I ended up not going.”

Now, she’s wondering if she was wrong to refuse her grandparents a visit with her daughter and if she should put the bad blood aside to save their relationship.

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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