The Son He Had From A One-Night Stand Wants Him To Pay For His College Education, But He Said No Way

pressmaster - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
pressmaster - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

When This Man Was In College, He Had A One-Night Stand

By Pawel Pajor- illustrative purposes only

When this 39-year-old man was back in college, he ended up having a one-night stand with a girl named Jade.

He Ended Up Getting The Girl Pregnant

Yuliia- illustrative purposes only not the actual person

Well, Jade ended up getting pregnant that one night, and after she told him, he said that he would step up and pay child support; however, that was the extent to which he wanted to be involved in this child’s life.

He Never Wanted Kids

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Jade agreed to his wishes, and everything has gone well for the last 18 years. He admits he never wanted to have children, so the fact that his 18-year-old son Marty is not part of his life at all works well for him.

The Girl He Got Pregnant Went On To Be A Single Mom To His Kid

Kaspars Grinvalds- illustrative purposes only not the actual person and child

“Jade never got a boyfriend or anything after she had Marty, so she’s been doing a pretty good job all by herself,” he explained.

He’s Friendly With Her But Has No Relationship With His Son

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS- illustrative purposes only not the actual people

“We’re still friends to this day, and I’ve only spoken to Marty a few times.”

His Son Recently Graduated From High School

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Marty just graduated from high school and is now looking at going to college. The college that Marty picked, though, is insanely expensive, and since Jade is a single mom, she absolutely can’t afford to send him.

His Son Called Him Asking For Money To Attend College

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Marty then asked Jade for his phone number, and he received a call from Marty. Marty wanted to know if he would be willing to pay for him to go to college as Jade didn’t have the money.

His Son Thinks Because He Makes Great Money, He Should Pay For The Tuition

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Marty laid out the facts to him: he does have a great job, Marty is the only child that he has, and he has never been a dad to Marty at all.

His Son Believes It’s The Least He Could Do

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Marty insisted that he needed to pay for him to go to college since it was the least he could really do.

He Refused To Pay For His Son’s College

pressmaster – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

“I refused because, first off, I’ve paid Jade child support and extra money on the side for his entire life,” he said.

“And second, I never wanted kids, to begin with; child support was the condition I took to not have to directly care for one.”

His Son Called Him Selfish For Saying No

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“He said that it was selfish of me to pretend like I didn’t have an obligation to him, and I told him I did have an obligation, which was to pay for him until he was an adult.”

“He protested, saying that I “never gave him anything.” Which just isn’t true; I made sure Jade had the money to care for him and gave him gifts through Jade on occasion.”

He Doesn’t Think He Owes His Son

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He really believes that the agreement he had with Jade has gone great, and he knows that Jade is a wonderful mom to Marty.

Although he was never directly involved in Marty’s life, he has paid for a lot of Marty’s existence, and he has even footed the bill on occasions when Jade didn’t have the money.

He Never Wanted To Be In His Son’s Life, Yet Paid For Things Over The Years

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He has pitched in to pay for groceries in times when Jade couldn’t afford them, and he has paid for Marty to participate in extracurricular activities, too.

His Son’s Mom Doesn’t Agree With His Son Demanding Money For College

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“Jade agrees that Marty is being unreasonable in this demand, and she’s thankful that I was there to support them both,” he continued.

His Son’s Mom Argued It Would Hurt His Finances

Drobot Dean- illustrative purposes only not the actual person

“She told Marty he had other options, and it would hurt my finances too (his tuition is tens of thousands of dollars, and I get paid more than average, but not enough to afford that).”

His Son Is Angry With Him

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Marty is angry with Jade for not siding with him, and Marty is claiming that he is “an unsupportive bum” who has not helped him at all.

Marty is not correct, though, as he has helped him out a lot, just from behind the scenes.

He’s Wondering If It’s Wrong To Not Pay For His Son’s College Education

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He’s left wondering if he’s somehow in the wrong for not wanting to pay for Marty’s college tuition. Do you think he’s obligated to pay for Marty to go to college?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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