Her Friend’s Furious That She’s Going Abroad On Her Birthday And Expects Her To Cancel The Trip She’s Been Planning For Three Years To Attend Her Birthday Party

Spectral-Design - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Spectral-Design - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 19-year-old woman has been in the process of planning a trip abroad for nearly three years now, and she’s excited to meet up with one of her very close friends while she’s out of the country.

“This trip is $800, and for someone like me, that’s a large amount, seeing as I’m from a nowhere town living paycheck to paycheck,” she explained.

However, she has a 19-year-old friend who’s furious at her because, apparently, her trip just so happens to fall on her friend’s birthday. She will be away from the 21st to the 31st, and her friend wanted to throw her birthday celebration while she’s gone.

Now, she understands that her friend has a right to be upset that she won’t be there. But she didn’t expect her friend to start flat-out asking her to cancel her vacation abroad and reschedule it for next summer!

“I told her no,” she said, “That I would have to be out of my mind to even consider that.”

Well, her friend didn’t understand and actually tried to guilt-trip her. In fact, her friend even started bringing up concert tickets – which she was gifted for her birthday – and holding them over her head. Her friend tried to say that if she didn’t cancel her trip, then they wouldn’t be going to the concert together anymore!

Quite frankly, though, she didn’t care and refused to change her vacation.

“Again, I tell her that I’m not canceling my trip for a birthday party that’s going to happen again and again, every year,” she recalled.

Unfortunately, her friend just wouldn’t budge on the situation and actually accused her of being a bad friend. Then, she got called selfish, and her friend said she didn’t even deserve to go on the trip.

Spectral-Design – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“As if this trip is a personal attack on her,” she revealed.

But, in her mind, the dates she chose simply worked perfectly for both her schedule and the friend she’d be meeting up with abroad.

“And it’s unfortunate it landed on her birthday, but I didn’t realize I had to have her permission,” she vented.

Nonetheless, her friend has actually decided to resell the concert tickets that were supposed to be her birthday present, and they aren’t even speaking anymore.

So now, she’s unsure if refusing to cancel her vacation for her friend’s birthday is justified or if she’s somehow the jerk in this situation.

Do you think her friend is overreacting about her missing the birthday party? Should she be expected to cancel her trip abroad? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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