She Threw Her Pet Cat A Mermaid-Themed Birthday Party At Her Neighbor’s Pool Without Getting Permission, And Now Her Neighbor’s Threatening To Sue For Damages

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Wirestock - - illustrative purposes only

This 27-year-old woman currently lives in a neighborhood where everyone knows everyone, and she has a cat named Jeff that just turned 5-years-old.

“Jeff is basically my child, and I wanted to do something special for his birthday,” she said.

According to her, Jeff is also fascinated by water – which is strange for a cat – and “loves” wearing this mermaid costume that she sometimes dresses him up in.

So, she came up with a pretty unorthodox birthday party idea for her pet cat. For some context, she has a neighbor named Karen who has a beautiful pool. But Karen never seems to even swim in it.

“So I thought, why not throw Jeff a mermaid-themed pool party there? I didn’t think it would be a big deal since she never uses the pool, and I figured she wouldn’t mind if I borrowed it for a couple of hours,” she recalled.

She wound up texting Karen about the party a few days beforehand, too, but she didn’t really ask. She more so just told Karen about her plan to use the pool.

“Hey Karen, hope you’re doing well! I was thinking of using your pool for a little get-together for Jeff’s birthday. We’ll be really careful and clean up after ourselves. Thanks in advance!” the text read.

She never got a response from Karen, either. Yet, she still proceeded to throw the party because she thought “no news is good news.”

Anyway, the day of the celebration rolled around, and she invited a few of her friends and their pets to Jeff’s party. She also decorated Karen’s yard with mermaid-themed decorations and got a little cake.

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However, while the party started out great, everything came crashing down when Karen arrived home early and walked in on the mermaid-themed cat birthday party in her backyard.

Karen understandably started freaking out. She got screamed at for both trespassing and disrespecting her neighbor’s property.

“I tried to calm her down and explained that I had sent her a message and assumed it was okay since she never replied,” she detailed.

“Karen wasn’t having any of it, and now she’s threatening to call the police and sue me for damages.”

But, she believes that they left Karen’s place “spotless.” She claimed that they even skimmed the pool after the party to make sure no confetti or fur was left behind. So, she has no clue what damages Karen would try to sue her for.

Nonetheless, the rest of her neighborhood has since found out about the situation, and everyone is divided. Some neighbors think she should’ve gotten explicit permission from Karen before throwing the party; meanwhile, others believe Karen is just overreacting since she really didn’t cause any harm.

Now, she’s feeling torn, too, and isn’t sure if throwing her cat’s birthday party at her neighbor’s pool was the wrong thing to do.

How would you feel if someone randomly threw their pet a birthday party at your pool without getting your permission? Did she seriously cross a line here?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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