These Five Dog Breeds Are Known For Being Pretty Stubborn

Krystsina - - illustrative purposes only
Krystsina - - illustrative purposes only

Dogs are some of the best pets in the world to have. They’re known for being incredibly loyal, smart, loving, and, of course, super adorable.

If you’re someone who lives alone or with a family and can’t decide what kind of pet to get, I’d always recommend getting a dog, as growing up with a dog can teach you a lot.

However, it’s no secret that some dogs are a lot easier to train and live with than others. Just about any dog breed can grow up to be loving and well-trained, but some take longer to get to that phase.

If you’re living in a home with children or have a busy schedule, you’ll likely want to adopt or rescue a dog that’s easy to train, as there are some dog breeds that are known for being stubborn.

Here is a list of some of the most stubborn dog breeds to keep you prepped for your next puppy adventure.

Siberian Huskies

While the Siberian Husky is known for being impressively athletic and beautiful to look at, their strong determination can make them quite stubborn.

Because they’re very smart and have a strong pack mentality, they often assume they’re the leader in a relationship.

They may also have what are known as “temper tantrums,” where they get a bit vocal, and while those temper tantrums can be cute and funny, they can also get annoying if you prefer quiet.

Krystsina – – illustrative purposes only


I’m one of many people who think dachshunds, or wiener dogs, are absolutely adorable. These dogs are cute and funny, but they have quite the attitude!

They have a lot of energy and can get bored easily, so if you prefer a dog that can keep things more chill, they may not be the breed for you.

If you can’t quickly train your dachshund or find a way to keep them stimulated throughout the day, they may start messing with your belongings.


Shar-Peis are best known for their adorable wrinkly faces and all the folds on their bodies. While they’re mostly known for their unique appearance, they’re also known for being very intelligent and sometimes protective.

If you’re not ready to train a dog that needs good socialization with other dogs and people, you may want to consider a different breed.


This breed, which originated in Japan, is absolutely beautiful and fluffy. However, some dog enthusiasts argue that they are one of the most stubborn breeds out there.

They have independent spirits and aren’t very interested in taking commands from someone.

It’ll take a lot of patience and trust to get your Akita to the right level of training.

Basset Hounds

When I heard that Basset Hounds were stubborn, I was shocked, as they always seemed like laid-back, roly-poly dogs that only care about cuddles and laziness.

However, these hunting breeds were bred to sniff out their prey and the smells of the wild without any instruction.

So, if you step into your backyard for a training session with your hound, don’t be surprised if they choose to sniff around rather than listen to you.

Please keep in mind that all of these dog breeds have the potential to become amazing, loving, and well-behaved pets.

There’s nothing “bad” about any of them, and you may even find that you get lucky and you hardly have to train the one you take home.

Still, it’s better to be aware of these things so you can have an easier experience selecting the pup that’s best for you.

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