
Her Male Cousin Is Furious She Won’t Lend Him Her New Car For A Few Weeks, Even Though He Just Got A DUI And Had His License Suspended

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

After years spent pinching pennies and saving up, this 27-year-old woman was finally able to buy herself a new car.

However, her 30-year-old male cousin – who lives in the same city as her – is on a completely different page in life when it comes to vehicles. More specifically, he recently had his license suspended after he received a DUI.

Yet, despite getting in trouble with the law, her cousin actually reached out to her the other day and asked if he could borrow her new car for a few weeks. He reasoned that it would only be until he got his “transportation situation” sorted out.

“I was taken aback by his request because I’ve always been cautious about loaning my car, especially to someone with a history of reckless driving,” she recalled.

So, she told her cousin no and simply explained how she felt uncomfortable letting anyone borrow her new car. Not to mention, she needs the vehicle for her own daily commute to work.

Well, her cousin became really upset with her and accused her of being unsupportive during this “difficult time.”

“And he argued that family should help each other out in times of need and that I’m being selfish by not lending him my car,” she added.

Since she refused to hand over her car keys, the rest of her extended family has found out about her fight with her cousin, too. Perhaps surprisingly, they’re also all split on the situation.

Some of her family members agree with her and think it’s risky to let someone with a DUI borrow you’re car. At the same time, other people think she should just support her cousin no matter what mistakes he’s made in the past.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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