Seven years ago, this 28-year-old woman met her 27-year-old fiancé, and two years ago, he proposed to her.
She says they’re like every normal couple in that they have benefits and burdens to being together, but she can’t pinpoint any enormous issues with their relationship.
One day, her fiancé came home from work, and his sadness was overpowering. Out of nowhere, he burst into tears, and he admitted he’s been lying to her about being happy and having a desire to walk down the aisle.
Their wedding is supposed to be happening in three months, by the way.
“Over the last few days, he has said that he loves me more than anything but that he wants to start fresh with no responsibilities (we have pets but no children and no desire for any) and that he thinks he will be happier without me,” she explained.
“I am completely blindsided by this and totally beside myself. He left Tuesday night with the dog and some things and has been slowly taking more things.”
“He came over last night and this afternoon, and I poured my heart out to him, and he was saying that he is scared that if he stays with me, he will continue to be unhappy like he has been the last few days, but then is also telling me that this is so hard for him and that he has missed me and not been coping well.”
He came across as dejected, and it broke her heart as she begged him to give their relationship one more shot.
While he appeared to want to give in and say yes, he verbally told her no, over and over again. Finally, he said yes would be easy to say, but he knows the hard decision is what’s best for him.
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