A good fruit crumble is one of my favorite desserts to eat any time of year. Like a cobbler, a fruit crumble is a dessert you can make with any kind of fruit or fruity combination, always topped with a delicious, flavorful, and texturally pleasing crumble topping.
If you sometimes struggle to figure out what kind of dessert to make based on the occasion or are very passionate about using produce that’s in season, this is the perfect dish for you.
Plus, crumbles are extremely easy to make and are great to have as a go-to recipe if you’re fairly new to cooking.
You simply pick your filling, prepare a solid crumble topping, pop it in the oven, and top your serving with vanilla ice cream before digging in!
Here is how you can make a fruit crumble and please your guests at any dinner party or your family on a special night.
All you’ll need for any kind of fruit crumble is a formula for your fruit filling and crumble topping.
When selecting the fruit you want to use as your crumble base, I’d highly recommend seasonal fruits that cook down easily and are nice and ripe. For instance, you can use blueberries in the summer, apples in the fall, etc.
To prepare a crumble fit for a two to three-quart baking dish, combine around two pounds of your selected fruit chopped with about a cup of white or light brown sugar, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and two tablespoons of cornstarch, which will help your fruit mixture thicken, and a pinch of kosher salt.
Then, spread your fruit mixture around the bottom of your greased or buttered baking dish.
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