
His Girlfriend Kissed Her Baby Daddy Just A Few Days Ago, So He Doesn’t Want Her Going Inside The Guy’s House Anymore

gesrey - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old guy and his girlfriend, who’s 26, have been dating for around five months now, and she has a child from a previous relationship.

So, after he and his girlfriend got into an argument a few days ago, he found out that she actually went over to her “baby daddy’s” house and hung out with the guy while her kid was there. Then, she wound up cheating on him – kissing her ex.

Once he found out about the infidelity, he immediately confronted his girlfriend. She was apparently very apologetic, too, which is why he decided to take her back.

“When we reconciled, I told her that stricter boundaries needed to be set in her co-parenting relationship because my trust in her had been damaged,” he recalled.

“She agreed and said she would ‘prove it’ to me.”

Well, only a couple of days later, it just so happened to be his girlfriend’s child’s birthday. At first, they all just celebrated at her home.

However, his girlfriend’s mom wound up ticking her off, and after she was put into a bad mood, she claimed that she wanted to hang out alone with her child the next day.

To his surprise, though, his girlfriend didn’t actually end up spending any one-on-one time with her kid. Instead, she eventually told him that she was going to drop her child off at her ex’s home.

Given that she cheated on him with her ex not that long ago, this made him pretty worried, too.

gesrey – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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