
His Wife Is Angry That He Slept With Other Women While They Were Separated For Over A Year, Even Though She Was Also Dating Other Men

ajr_images - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old man and his wife, who’s also 32, were happily married for five years – or so he thought.

That’s because, one day just last year, his wife randomly admitted to falling out of love with him and said she wanted to look for “something different.”

At the time, he tried to convince her to stay. Yet, she refused and opted to move on, meaning that they were separated for just over a year.

“I couldn’t move on first, but accepted that was what she wanted after several months,” he recalled.

“However, one side of me always hoped for her to come back.”

Only three weeks ago, his wish came true, too. Suddenly, his wife was back in his life, claiming that she wanted to work things out with him.

So, they began seeing a couples counselor together the following week. Their goal was to figure out their thoughts and feelings before moving back in together.

While they were in therapy, though, he was asked whether or not he’d been in any other relationships or simply with any other women while he and his wife were separated.

“The counselor told us honesty is the way to go here, so I came clean,” he said.

ajr_images – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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