
His Wife Tried To Whip Out A Sausage Roll In A Vegan Restaurant For Their Young Son And Got Angry When He Told Her To Put It Away

Slawomir Fajer - - illustrative purposes only

This man and his wife are from the UK and currently have two kids together – a 4-year-old son and a 3-month-old baby. And while they were recently visiting a different city as a family, they decided to stop for lunch at a restaurant that just so happened to be vegan.

For some clarification, none of them are vegan. However, he thinks his 4-year-old son is a great eater who wouldn’t have had any problems trying something new.

“As it turned out, my son said he wasn’t hungry, so we didn’t order him anything,” he recalled.

Yet, throughout the lunch, his wife wouldn’t stop asking if their son wanted something to eat, and their son just kept saying no.

Well, rather than taking their son’s word for it, his wife refused to back down. So, in the middle of their lunch, she proceeded to pull a sausage roll out of her bag.

A sausage roll is a popular savory dish that’s exactly what it sounds like – a sausage wrapped in puff pastry. Earlier in the day, his wife had bought one while they were all walking around the city.

He thought it was really inappropriate to take out meat in the middle of a vegan restaurant, though, and quickly told her to stop.

“I immediately told her to put it away,” he said.

According to him, this wasn’t a first-time occurrence, either. He claims his wife has an “annoying habit” of whipping out random outside food for their kids while they’re at restaurants, and they’ve disagreed on the issue multiple times.

Sławomir Fajer – – illustrative purposes only

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