
She’s Not Letting Her Daughter Have A Baby Shower Because She Believes Teen Pregnancy Isn’t Something That Should Be Celebrated

Monkey Business - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 37-year-old woman has a teenage daughter named Anna, who is 15. Back in January, Anna also became pregnant by a boyfriend she didn’t even know existed.

Since finding out she was expecting, her daughter has been really excited, too. Apparently, Anna is a big fan of television shows that feature teen moms, as well as teen mom influencers on social media.

“Which have led her to believe that getting pregnant as a teen is a good thing to do, despite the fact that I told her that it would have serious consequences,” she explained.

Obviously, her daughter did not listen to her, and now, Anna is thrilled about having a baby. Just a few weeks ago, her daughter even tried to plan a gender reveal party, but she immediately shot down that idea – making her daughter furious.

Additionally, her daughter has asked to become a teen mom influencer, and she also rejected that idea. This pushed Anna to give her the cold shoulder for an entire day.

“I tried to tell her that being pregnant at her age isn’t a thing to celebrate and there can be huge repercussions, but then she started yelling about how excited those teen moms are on TV and wouldn’t listen to me,” she detailed.

However, nothing compared to the drama she faced with her daughter yesterday when Anna hit the 28-week mark in her pregnancy.

The milestone prompted her daughter to ask about throwing a baby shower, but again, she told Anna no.

Unfortunately, her daughter didn’t understand why and freaked out on her. She was accused of hating both Anna and Anna’s unborn baby. Then, her daughter asked why she wasn’t more excited about the pregnancy.

Monkey Business – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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