He Created A Fake Dating App Profile And Catfished His Girlfriend To Catch Her Cheating On Him

bnenin - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
bnenin - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 31-year-old man and his girlfriend, who’s 28, have been together for five years. Yet, he still had suspicions that she was actually cheating on him.

“To me, flirting is fine in real life. I don’t think I’m a prude or some rageaholic,” he clarified.

“But my personal red light is anything more than that. If you don’t want to stay on the ride, get off!”

Anyway, he thought he and his girlfriend were on the same page in their relationship. Still, some strange behavior led him to eventually believe otherwise.

For instance, she was suddenly staying late at work when she never liked or cared about her job in the past. Plus, his girlfriend would supposedly receive last-minute invitations to dinners with friends, who he knew were already busy with other plans.

On top of that, he and his girlfriend were not being romantic or sleeping together nearly as much as they used to.

“I wasn’t born yesterday, so I suspected she was stepping out,” he recalled.

To get to the bottom of it, he decided to download a dating app and make a profile to catfish his girlfriend.

He used some fake photos and a “charming but flirty” profile picture. Then, he began using the app, and the most shocking part was that his girlfriend actually found his fake profile and messaged him first.

bnenin – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“And she did it within the hour. And within a few generic messages, she was already seeing if I was ‘free tonight for some fun,'” he revealed.

At the time, he wasn’t interested in setting up some fake date and confronting his girlfriend like that. Instead, he just approached her after she got off from work that day and called her out for cheating.

He swore that he didn’t call her any names. All he said was that he knew she’d been talking to “Matty,” his fake Hinge name, and admitted he was behind the account.

Once the cat was out of the bag, his girlfriend freaked out and called him every name in the book. She accused him of setting her up, as well as being a “hypocrite” and likely using dating apps himself – because, according to her, “men only want one thing.”

Anyway, it’s been a week since the truth came to light, and he thinks he has fallen out of love with her.

“Or at least I’m thinking that we are not who I thought we were or were going to be,” he vented.

Still, as he tries to pick up the pieces, he can’t help but wonder if catfishing his girlfriend to catch her being unfaithful was the best way to handle this situation or not.

Can you imagine finding out your partner was cheating only one hour after creating a fake dating app profile? Was he in the wrong here, or is his girlfriend just mad that she got caught red-handed?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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