His Wife Reprimanded Their Son For Fighting Back Against His Bully, Since The Boy Is Autistic

Young boy karate practitioner executing a kata
Xalanx - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

This man’s son is unfortunately being bullied in his jiu-jitsu class, and although he has reported this to his teacher, the teacher doesn’t do a thing.

His son’s class is so large that there isn’t a way for his teacher or all the other coaches to be on top of what all the kids are doing at every moment.

He’s sick of his son being put down, and so he decided to take matters into his own hands and teach his son to fight back, not physically, but verbally.

“I told him he doesn’t have to just stand there and take it,” he explained. “My son asked what could he possibly say, and I told him to latch onto this kid’s flaws, and the literal biggest and easiest is that this kid is fat.”

“I told my son to NEVER start it. Treat every day as a new day and try to get along, but if this kid isn’t having it and starts being mean, then I told him to fire right back. Call him tons of fun. Tell him there’s a cheeseburger waiting for him if he wins a roll.”

“Tell him he’s not actually good at jiu-jitsu; he’s just so fat that all he has to do is roll over his opponent to squish them. Interrupt his insult with “What was that fatty?” If he has to roll with him, tell him he’s feeling extra soggy today and ask if he’s hiding jelly donuts in his gi. That sort of thing.”

Yesterday while his son was in class, he gathered up the bravery to fight back against his bully for the very first time.

As soon as his son said something, his bully was surprised. He was delighted with his son for doing something about it.

His son recounted to him that his bully kept on trying to name-call him, but his son was able to win with his words.

Young boy karate practitioner executing a kata

Xalanx – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

He was having dinner with his wife and son when his son was retelling the story, so he gave him a fist bump to celebrate.

His wife asked what the bully’s name was, and they revealed it to her. His wife then went on social media to find the kid.

“My wife got very upset, citing she knows his mom, and scolded my son to not fight back because the bully is autistic,” he added.

He overrode his wife and informed his son that he shouldn’t allow anyone to treat him poorly, regardless of whether they’re autistic or not.

His wife argued that it was not alright because of the bully’s autism, but he responded that it didn’t matter; autism doesn’t give the bully the freedom to be a jerk to anybody.

“I stressed that he is making our son feel like crap and that if our son sends him home crying, so be it,” he continued.

“It’ll be a valuable life lesson that what goes around comes around.”

Since his wife wasn’t on his side, he’s left wondering if it’s wrong of him to support his son in standing up for himself against his autistic bully.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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