His Wife Waited To Tell Him She Can’t Have Children Until They Were Married For Years

A decade ago, this 34-year-old man met his 33-year-old wife. He knew that she was one incredible woman from the moment that he met her.
“We clicked instantly—same sense of humor, same life goals (or so I thought), and just an overwhelming feeling of “this is the person I want to build a life with,” he explained.
Throughout their time spent dating, he let his wife know that he wanted to be a dad. He thought it was worth talking about to make sure that they were on the same page.
His wife made it seem like she was all in on being a parent. She smiled when he talked about having kids in the future, and she would open up about what kind of a mom she pictured herself being.
They eventually tied the knot, and that really was the best day of his entire life. He felt so much love for his wife as he said his vows, and he was happy to know that they wanted the same things out of their futures.
“Then, a few years into our marriage, we start talking more seriously about trying for kids. That’s when she finally drops the bombshell—she has known since before we even met that she has a medical condition that makes it impossible for her to conceive. Not unlikely. Not difficult. Impossible,” he said.
“I was stunned. It wasn’t even just that she couldn’t have kids—it was that she knew all along and never told me. Not when we were dating. Not when I expressed over and over how much I wanted children. Not before we got married.”
“When I asked her why she never told me, she just said she “didn’t want to lose me” and hoped that by the time we got to this point, I would love her enough that it wouldn’t matter. She also admitted that she was scared I would leave if I knew.”
He’s left wondering what he should do and how he should feel. He was so in love with his wife, but she betrayed him in the worst way.

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She lied about something major, and she prevented him from making a choice that would impact the remainder of his life.
His wife was well aware that not having children was his one dealbreaker, yet she moved ahead with keeping her secret.
“I feel trapped. I feel cheated. And worst of all, I don’t know what to do next,” he concluded.
What advice do you have for him?
You can read the original post below.

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