She Made Her Friend Cry When She Judged Her For Wanting Another Baby To Make Her Boyfriend Happy

Sharing a laugh with her bestie. two attractive young women laughing while seated in a studio.
Hova/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Ever since this 38-year-old woman was in high school, she’s been close with her friend, Jill. When they graduated, Jill moved to the other side of the country with a man who became her husband.

While they were no longer in the same zip code, they remained friends, and she even asked Jill to be her Maid of Honor when she got married.

When Jill’s third child was a toddler, Jill left her husband, but by then they were living back in the city they’re all from.

“She said her husband was a great guy but that she didn’t find him attractive anymore. They co-parent now, and he’s still super supportive of her,” she explained.

“Two years after they split, she met Ed, a child-free guy two years older than her. She got pregnant on their first date and tried to make it work for two years but eventually left him, too. Ed’s a good guy, though—he even includes her older kids when he takes her youngest out.”

She has since moved on to Dave, who attended high school with them. Dave has always had a crush on Jill, so it made sense when they got together.

Four months into dating Dave, Jill introduced him to her kids, and their relationship appears to be going in a good direction.

Jill came over to her house a few days ago and said that Dave desperately wants a child of his own, before adding that she was finished with giving birth, but Dave is making her change her mind.

“I was shocked and said, “You’re kidding, right? You literally told me it was a mistake when you planned a ‘surprise’ pregnancy with Ed. Why are you doing this again? If he wants kids, maybe it’s a sign you shouldn’t be with him. You don’t need to have a baby just to hold onto him,” she added.

Sharing a laugh with her bestie. two attractive young women laughing while seated in a studio.
Hova/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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“She got mad and said, “This time, I have my older kids (14 and 15) to help out. It’s like having two live-in helpers! Soon, they’ll have their driver’s licenses and can take the younger ones to their activities while Dave and I enjoy date nights.”

“Then she said, “Not everyone is lucky enough to meet the love of their life and live happily ever after! Get off your high horse.” She left in tears.”

Her husband has since weighed in, making it clear that she should not have judged Jill for wanting to give Dave a baby.

Her husband feels that there’s no way she can influence Jill to make better decisions, so the only thing for her to do is be supportive.

She’s left wondering if her husband is right, especially since Jill has been ignoring her attempts to reach out. What do you think?

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