She’s The Reason Her Mom Landed In Prison For The Fifth Time, And She’s Worried Her Mom Will Hate Her For Life

Young woman in orange suit behind jail bars. Female in colorful overalls portrait. Law and justice concept
primipil - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s 43-year-old mom got released from prison not too long ago after being in there for the last three years.

Her mom is a career criminal, as this is hardly the first time she’s ended up behind bars. However, when her mom got out, she was thrilled and figured this time around was going to be different for her mom: she knew she was going to get herself together and do well.

One week after her mom was released, her mom discovered that her boyfriend, whom she’s been with for six years, was cheating.

Her mom and her friend tracked this other woman down, jumped her, and stole her purse as punishment for the cheating.

On the evening that her mom committed the crime, she phoned her up, saying she needed a ride ASAP. Her boyfriend went to go grab her mom and brought her back to their home.

Once her mom was at their house, she confessed to what she did! She was furious with her mom for being so self-centered and carefree.

Her mom did not get caught because the police didn’t have enough evidence to pin the crime on her. Several months later, she and her mom were constantly getting into fights over her brother’s kids, who are her mom’s grandchildren.

Her mom didn’t agree with how she was raising them (she is fostering the kids). Her mom was acting insane and hostile.

“During one of our last fights, she brought up past trauma I went through because of her and made fun of it,” she explained.

Young woman in orange suit behind jail bars. Female in colorful overalls portrait. Law and justice concept
primipil – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Then, her mom falsely accused her and her boyfriend of things in order to get the children removed from her care.

Her mom tried to boss her around, too, and tell her what she should be doing, even though she had all seven of her own kids permanently taken from her.

She sadly had to come to terms with the fact that her mom is scummy and manipulative, and she won’t be changing her ways or learning any lessons any time soon.

Following the last argument she got into with her mom, she was so livid that she called up the local police and snitched on her mom for stealing that woman’s purse.

“She got arrested today for robbery in the second degree,” she said. “She knows it was me who did it, and she’ll hate me forever.”

“I can’t believe I let my anger get ahold of me like that. She’s done nothing but steal from and [mess] up hundreds of people’s lives by breaking into their cars, identity theft, writing bad checks, treating anyone who breathes the wrong way in her direction like [trash], the list goes on.”

“I know she needs to be in prison, and that’s what she deserves after all of the horrible [things] she has done, but I also know prison is a horrible place.”

“And it’s not like I snitched her out to do the right thing and give that woman some justice I was just angry and wanted to get back at her for everything she’s been doing/saying to me. I’m not sure how I’ll be able to deal with this guilt.”

What advice do you have for her?

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