She Thought She Was Beautiful, Until She Moved To LA, And People Had These Ugly Things To Say About Her

Beautiful sunset of Los Angeles downtown skyline and palm trees.
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Kerry, who goes by @comfywith_kerry on TikTok, is a native New Yorker who moved to Los Angeles, and she opened up about all of the ugly things people had to say about her when she relocated to the West Coast.

She admits she used to think she was beautiful, but people and their comments in LA hit her like a ton of bricks. Kerry says that regardless of who you are, LA has a strange way of stealing any confidence you held prior to living there.

Kerry shares with us a list of the craziest things LA residents have said to her, so buckle up for this:

“You’re too pretty for that nose!”

“You’ve got a whole European look about you. It’s bold. But men here prefer softer faces.”

“Girl…look at that booty! If you just lost a little bit of weight in your waist…”

“Don’t get me wrong, you’re gorgeous, but in LA, there’s always someone prettier.”

“You might have been a 10 in Brooklyn, but in LA, you’re like a six and a half. Maybe a seven.”

“You should try contouring your nose. Have you ever contoured your nose?”

Beautiful sunset of Los Angeles downtown skyline and palm trees.
chones- – illustrative purposes only

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“You’re so natural, it’s refreshing. But girl, you have got to keep up here.”

Kerry has also had someone reconfirm that she’s single and 35-years-old in LA while looking at her like she has no hope of finding a man. Meanwhile, in other parts of America, 35 is the new 25.

Kerry admits that she’s ultimately come to see that she’s not the issue at the end of the day. Los Angeles has a way of being obsessed with being perfect, and that leaks out into everyone and everything.

Kerry says she’s not living in LA and trying to adhere to their insane standards of beauty, she’s just there to be herself, even if that entails sticking out like a sore thumb.

After all, growing up in Brooklyn means that Kerry should be able to handle any city in the U.S. with her trademark confidence! There’s nobody tougher than a native New Yorker!

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