
He’s Breaking Down Some Hard Things That Every Husband Needs To Listen To

glogoski - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Marriage is complex and demanding, but it’s also wonderful and fulfilling. If your relationship is constantly leaning more toward the former two, maybe it’s time to look inward and see what kind of personal improvements you can make as a husband.

Learning how to be a better husband is essential for a happy and long-lasting marriage. But in order to do that, you may need to listen to some uncomfortable truths.

TikToker Yohan (@imcominginhot) is sharing some of the difficult things that every husband needs to hear and understand about marriage.

First of all, your wife is not mad at you because you made a mistake. She’s mad because you promised to change and never did.

Secondly, if you’re the breadwinner in the relationship, do not diminish what your wife is bringing to the table if all you’re offering is money.

Stay-at-home parents provide a lot for the household, more than you probably know. So remember that you’re not the only one working, even if it seems so.

Third, your wife isn’t upset that you have friends. Most of your time is spent working or sleeping. So what are you doing with your remaining hours?

When you want to spend a large portion of your free time with your friends, what your wife is actually upset about is the lack of quality time spent with her.

If you’re out with friends every weekend or spending three hours per day playing video games, you’re not putting enough time into your relationship.

glogoski – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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