
His Girlfriend Doesn’t Want To Break Up Even Though He Just Had A One-Night Stand, But He Still Doesn’t Know If They Should Continue Their Relationship

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old guy has known his girlfriend, who is 21, for three years. But they had only been dating for under a year, and just a few days ago, he nearly wrecked their whole relationship.

After going out to a party with some friends last week, he had a one-night stand with one of his college friends.

“I don’t blame anything,” he admitted. “It was all my choice, and I regret it.”

So, the very next day, he invited his girlfriend over and confessed everything. After he revealed he had cheated, his girlfriend did start hysterically crying. However, he really didn’t think there was anything he could do.

“I felt like I lost my right to comfort her the moment I cheated on her,” he said.

That’s why he just waited for his girlfriend to calm down. Then, once she had collected herself, he said it would be for the best if they just broke up and she found someone better.

To his complete surprise, however, his girlfriend disagreed and claimed that she did not want to end their relationship. Instead, she started asking him a bunch of questions.

First, his girlfriend asked if he liked the other woman or had feelings for another girl. Then, she also asked if the cheating was just a one-time thing.

At that point, he swore he didn’t have feelings for anyone else and claimed to love his girlfriend. He also confirmed that the cheating had only happened once and swore it meant nothing to him.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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