
Her Abusive Husband Broke Her Collarbone And The Day After She Got Out Of The Hospital He Killed Her In Cold Blood

July 15th, 2019. Anthony broke Heather’s collarbone, and Heather rushed straight to the hospital without calling 911.

As she sat there getting treated, she texted her mom some frightening things. She explained that Anthony strangled her several times and had “tried to kill her.” She nearly passed out.

That evening, Heather was sent home from the hospital after having her arm put in a sling. She went to the house she shared with Anthony.

The next day, Heather’s mom witnessed Heather and Anthony get into a disagreement over how Heather’s injury would possibly affect Anthony’s pending domestic violence case.

Facebook; pictured above is Heather with Anthony

As soon as Heather’s mom left their house, Anthony took Heather’s life. The El Dorado County District Attorney said he killed Heather in “cold blood.”

Then, Anthony picked up his phone and dialed Heather’s mom’s phone number. In an attempt to sweep his terrible crime under the rug, he explained to Heather’s mom over the phone that she had run away.

Heather’s family, the authorities, and people in the community frantically searched for her, hoping to find where she had gone.

She was discovered after 7 weeks and 3 days. Anthony had buried her in the dirt on a nearby piece of property not far from the house they lived in together.

“She was wrapped in carpet with a noose around her neck. She was still wearing her hospital ID bracelet, smock, and sling,” the El Dorado County District Attorney said in a statement.

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