
She Wanted An Open Marriage Then Accused Her Husband Of Cheating And Now Her Friend Is Asking The Internet If She’s The Worst For Reminding This Woman She Reaped What She Sowed

Here’s what the internet had to say.

“People always seem to be down for open relationships until they remember their partner can have an open relationship too.”


“Yep, that was my ex husband. Was all cool for it, until I actually started getting more interest from men than he was getting from women (I said to him that if he wasn’t being faithful, neither should I have to be). Suddenly the open relationship wasn’t a good idea any more.”


“I have been in an open relationship for nearly 2 decades and fully support freedom of choice. You would be surprised, I have seen them destroy couples more often than I have ever seen them succeed!”

“Most people use it as an excuse to cheat without consequences but fully expect their spouse to not utilise that freedom.”


“She didn’t expect him to actually sleep with other people. She just wanted to sleep with others without it being considered cheating.”

“She’s really ridiculous and I’m on Mike’s side for this one. She wanted an open relationship, so that’s what she got lol.”


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