
She Went Missing 2 Years Ago And Her Husband Recently Confessed To His Ex-Wife Over Lunch That Her Murdered Her Before Digging Her Grave

Officers reached back out to Lalaine to speak with her further, and she revealed a worrisome detail; Jepsy and Dane had gotten separated not that long ago.

The next phone call that officers made was to Dane, and they point-blank asked him where Jepsy was.

Dane replied that he last saw Jepsy at their apartment on March 27th, when she went to spend time with a friend of hers named Gina. He also admitted that Jepsy did leave him over the issues they were having in their marriage.

Dane seemed to be nervous to talk to the police, but at the same time, he didn’t appear to be bothered about the fact that nobody could find Jepsy.

Facebook; pictured above is Jepsy with Dane

Officers were then able to track down two friends of Jepsy’s who were both named Gina, and those two women had not talked to Jepsy, and they did not know where she was.

As the investigation continued, officers obtained Jepsy’s phone records, and they discovered that the last call she made was on March 20th.

Jepsy had called 911, but then hung up at around 10:29 at night.

In the months that followed Jepsy’s strange disappearance, Dane picked up and moved to California.

Then, around 2 years after Jepsy went missing, Dane came back to Colorado Springs, and he called his ex-wife to ask if he could meet up with her to talk.

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