
She’s Planning On Throwing Her Daughter A Second Birthday Party After A Special Needs Girl Ruined The First One But She Wants The Internet To Weigh In

Unfortunately, this mom’s partner thinks she’s the worst for wanting to even do this.

“He pointed out that sometimes life isn’t fair and things get ruined,” she continued. “He also doesn’t think it’s a good idea to show our daughter it’s ok to exclude people who are different.”

She’s really not sure how to handle this and if she should go through with having the second party or not now.

Here’s what the internet had to say to her.

“Her mom definitely knew what she was doing. I would think that a parent of a special needs child would be looking out for potential calls in this situation.”

“And if they happened to miss one, they would do their very best to get in contact as soon as they saw the call, even if it was late at night. She probably saw the call and chose to ignore it.”


“Yeah looks more like she got a free babysitter.”


“And she should have known better honestly. Molly struggles with friends and overstimulation and a sleepover with a visit to a movie theater sounded fine??”

“Molly could have been included in a smaller, less stressful part or something.”

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