
She Thinks Her Surrogate Is Starting To Act Like Her Husband’s Wife So She’s Asking The Internet For Help

“Yea it seemed odd when she talked about the surrogate having time with the child. Not having any sort of contract for these sorts of things will never make sense to me.”

“Even if you are friends with the person it is an emotional, exhausting, and expensive time, and all parties involved need to be protected.”


“I don’t want to sound horrible but I would check if your husband is having an affair with her. If not physical then at least emotional.”

“My husband would tell me if someone who “involved” with both of us, was messaging him only. Also, it doesn’t even look like he’s defending you.”

“It’s crazy that he said nothing whilst she made her demands and when her mom was tearing you a new one. Strange. Strange. Strange.”


“Lawyer up, it sounds like she’s planning on keeping the baby for herself.”


“She wants the baby and the baby daddy. Sounds like he has the money to spare and she has set her sights on him.”


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