
She’s Being Accused Of Stealing The Show From The Bride After She Was Asked To Come Up With A Surprise For The Wedding Day

Yesterday, a woman attended her friend Bridgette’s wedding, and things went anything but according to plan.

Back in high school, she and Bridgette were in a dance club, and Bridgette invited a lot of their dance club members to her wedding.

The dance club invitees thought it would be a nice idea to surprise Bridgette on her wedding day, and on top of that, Bridgette’s soon-to-be-husband Mike also asked the wedding organizer to come some kind of surprise for Bridgette.

Mike figured it would be great for Bridgette to have something on her special day that would help her to “relax,” and so the plan was that she and the former dance club would come up with a dance to surprise Bridgette with.

“Bridgette is actually autistic, and her wedding gown might be uncomfortable for her,” she explained.

“So even if she’s good at masking, she might experience sensory overload in the middle of the celebration.”

As the wedding grew closer, she ended up being the only person from the dance club that was able to practice the dance, and so she knew it was probably best for her to do the dance alone.

She selected a K-pop song called I Can’t Stop Me by TWICE, since Bridgette adores the musical genre, and she believed the way the song was choreographed was incredible.

The day of the wedding arrived, she surprised Bridgette with the dance, and then she accepted the microphone being passed to her so she could give her best wishes to the bride.

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