
Her Boyfriend Spent $2,400 On 4 Tennis Lessons And She’s Telling The Internet She’s Not Sure If That’s Really What He’s Doing With The Money

“Former tennis pro here, no lessons are 150 an hour and if they are, no way they are 4 hours long twice a week. He is doing something illegal 100% and you need to kick him off your bank account.”


“I highly doubt a beginner is taking 4-hour private tennis classes twice a week. But they want to trust this guy, so I’d suggest looking for less expensive private lessons or group lessons.”

“If it’s really about tennis, he shouldn’t mind still getting his lessons and not wasting so much money.”


“I take tennis lessons from a former pro and college coach that runs the local USTA league in a town with an annual USTA tournament that’s had Roddick & Gauf play in it (exhibitions).”

“He charged $40/hour with a partner and $60/hour for solo classes. If he’s truly being coached 4 hours a day…is he preparing for Wimbledon?”

“Except early 30s in pro tennis is pretty much ancient. A clinic is half a day. A four-hour tennis session – idk most coaches would even allow that for a casual player.”

“I’d question his honesty…and don’t let this deadbeat take advantage of your kindness and generosity.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say to her here.

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