
Her Parents Hid The Fact That Her Brother Has A Child From Him And She’s Telling The Internet Things Went South When He Found Out

“You can’t allow that child anywhere near your horrible parents. Please do whatever you can to prevent that.”


“Your parents are the worst here. I feel so bad for that kid stuck in the middle of all of this. Should you have told your brother right away?”

“Maybe, but I get that it’s an awkward position to be in as Addie having this child isn’t really your information to share. It’s hers.”

“And sharing the info about your parents when you did seemed like it was to help the child. (That’s my interpretation anyway.) Your parents have no right to be mad at you for outing them on this.”

“Your brother wanting to punish both Addie and the kid by taking the kid away from her… That’s so wrong.”

“Give Addie a heads up. Tell her to start looking into lawyers to protect herself and her child.”


“They gave her hush money and kept him in the dark. I can’t imagine what else they are keeping secret.”


“Your parents were ready to pile on the blame and make you seem like a betrayer, all while trusting you to not expose them with the truth. They really thought you would stay loyal to their lie and take the abuse hurled your way.”

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