
She Revealed A Secret To Her Brother And Now She’s Telling The Internet She’s Being Accused Of Ruining Her Father’s Whole Family

“If they want to be angry and embarrassed, they can start with their own s*** behavior…and they can reap the stupid prizes from their own stupid games.”


“Your father and stepmother chose to lie and now their lie is catching up to them. I do feel bad for the kids, as they’re innocent in this.”

“Why parents think their lies will never catch up to them is beyond me but they made their bed and can lie in it.”


“Cheaters never prosper. It’s an old phrase but covers what’s gone on here. Eventually, a lie will be uncovered and it’s nobody’s job to be lied about because these people didn’t want to face their own actions.”


“I’d like to add that you didn’t know how your brother would react and have no say as to his actions. That’s on him. Your siblings will find a way to deal with the situation.”

“I am, however, disappointed at your mother’s reaction. She should absolutely be siding with and backing you up.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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