
A Stranger Took A Pregnancy Test In Her Bathroom And She’s Asking The Internet If She’s The Worst For Pointing Out That It Really Wasn’t A Pregnancy Test

“I wonder what else she took that hasn’t been noticed yet? I’d be counting my prescription meds and replacing my toothbrush.”


“You had no way of knowing what was going on ahead of time and were perfectly reasonable in asking some clarifying questions; it’s not your fault that a) she’s a snoop/thief b) she didn’t read the package to figure out what she was stealing and/or c) she decided to stage this whole thing at your house.”

“Even if you had kicked them out of your house for snooping through your bathroom AND using what they found, I don’t think you would have been in the wrong.”

“Don’t host Sasha/Doug again and maybe reconsider taking recommendations from whoever suggested you invite them in the first place.”


“First of all, she was incredibly rude and intrusive to go through your things. She was a guest in your house and had no business doing that.”

“Secondly, it’s NOT your fault this woman can’t read. I’d stop being friends with her and cut contact completely.”

“She clearly has no respect for you, and you deserve better friends.”


You can read the rest of what the internet had to say here.

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