
Her Sister-In-Law’s Best Friend Tried To Sleep With Her Husband So She Banned The Friend From Her House But Now She’s Telling The Internet She May Have Ruined Everything


“The lunatic TOOK her PANTS off and exposed herself, she’s a creep and deserves to be ostracized.”


“…I think SIL is taking major advantage here. I’m not sure what the financial arrangement is, but I would not presume if I was living in another couple’s home that I would be allowed to have sleepovers with my friends.”

“I’ve had friends sleepover when I had a whole apartment or house to myself, but just a room? No thanks, that would make me feel like back in high school.”

“Not to mention awkward for the other people in the house for the pure reason that now you have strangers in common areas of your home.”

“Me and my partner like our private life too much to deal with that and we wouldn’t want this person around no matter how conservative her outfits were.”

“The sexual harassment of her own brother takes the cake though, and the sister turns it around and victim blames him by saying he’s just uncomfortable with it because he’s attracted to her friend. Nope, she’d be lucky if she got to stick around after making those comments.”


“…You are second-guessing yourself and not defending your damn husband. She’s trying to sexually assault him and you are wondering if you are being sexist for not wanting her in your house.”

“Grow a backbone and kick these girls to the curb.”

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